- FAIRFAX, Va. — May 4, 2014
From Soil Microbe to Super-Efficient Biofuel Factory?
Arlington, VA— May 4, 2012 — Logos plays a role in ARPA-E’s electrofuel project.
Is there a new path to biofuels hiding in a handful of dirt? Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) biologist Steve Singer leads a group that wants to find out. They’re exploring whether a common soil bacterium can be engineered to produce liquid transportation fuels much more efficiently than the ways in which advanced biofuels are made today.
See more at: http://newscenter.lbl.gov/2012/05/03/electrofuel/#sthash.eqYB3JIM.dpuf
About Logos Technologies
Founded in 1996, Logos Technologies LLC is a diversified science, engineering and technology company specializing in the fields of advanced sensors, wide-area motion imagery, advanced analytics and processing of large, multisource datasets. Logos serves government customers, including the Department of Defense, Intelligence Community and Department of Homeland Security, as well as a range of customers in commercial and international markets.