FAIRFAX, Va. – July 29, 2014 – Logos Technologies has been awarded a $9.7 million contract by the Army Research Laboratory (ARL) to further develop and deploy technology that will detect and locate hostile gunfire and explosive denotations.
The Optical Gunfire, Rockets and Explosive Flash Detection (OGRE) system uses high-speed cameras to capture the signature of a fired weapon or detonation and provide precise source coordinates to ground troops. OGRE is coupled with an existing acoustic sensor developed by the Army’s Aviation and Missile Research, Development and Engineering center (AMRDEC).
The combined OGRE-acoustic unit, called Serenity, creates a dual threat validation process that significantly reduces false positive identifications. The system works in combination with full-motion video and wide-area surveillance sensors to locate and identify the locations of hostile fire.
The integration of visual and acoustic technology dramatically increases the detection range and accuracy in comparison to existing systems. OGRE’s enhanced wide-area capability provides forces with real-time operational intelligence, allowing them to respond quickly.
The Serenity system will be integrated with Logos Technologies’ aerostat-based Kestrel sensor system, allowing operators to not only see attacks as they happen, but also access DVR-like forensic playback when necessary. Serenity will detect flash events such as rocket and mortar launches and explosive detonations making it uniquely suited to protect forward-deployed bases.
As troop levels are reduced over the coming years, OGRE and its variants will act as a force multiplier for warfighters, offering constant protection without the need for additional personnel. The system’s lightweight design is also adaptable to unmanned and fixed-wing platforms, allowing these aircraft to closely support land forces even in the face of heavy enemy fire.
About Logos Technologies
Founded in 1996, Logos Technologies, LLC is a diversified science, engineering and technology company specializing in the fields of advanced sensors, wide area motion imagery, cyber operations, advanced analytics and processing of large, multisource datasets. Logos serves government customers including the Department of Defense, Department of Energy and Department of Homeland Security, as well as a range of customers in commercial and international markets. Learn more at www.logos-technologies.com
Logos Contact:
Susan Kerin
Communications Manager